so many tings to blog abt.. let's see...
had tax quiz ydae.. realli couldnt b bothered to study 4 it u noe.. it's lk 'who cares!' bad attitude which shd b thrown farfar away!! exams looming.. muz change change change my ways.. studystudystudy!! anw.. went
waraku at marina square ydae.. it's a nice place n e food is nice.. we went arnd 3 plus n it was lk completely empty.. hahas.. their udon is realli nice.. they put tis yellow tingy which makes e soup real fragrant.. i had tis set where u haf to dip e beef in egg.. quite fun.. though i didnt realli c e pt coz not much diff in taste.. hahas..
indochine at wisma
on fri nite.. nopes.. not to chill.. it was 4 sum dance comp org by ntu n smu (actualli we onli found out aft e event).. it's spon by LIME.. but i'd say it's pretty much a flop lar.. didnt even noe of tis event.. we onli decided to enter on lk wed latelate at nite.. n there were onli 3 teams includin us.. n on that dae.. one pulled out.. hahas.. so yep.. we got 2nd ( hahas.. lost lar.. but i mean.. we cant possibly win e MJ team rt) but im still v happy.. coz of e extra exposure 4 e freshies.. n also.. did justice to e dance me n mel cheoro.. coz
senses was quite a flop.. e music was total screw up.. couldnt hear e base.. so i'll pretty much rate it a 6/10 performance.. prettty disappointed wif e first performance as dance coord.. so im glad we got a second chance to perform e same item..
n e irritatin ting was.. dear bluffed me he wasnt coming to watch me perform.. (he missed e senses 1 already coz of street challenge) n i was realli disappointed.. rather pissed off e whole journey fr hall to town.. den when we were markin our positions 4 e dance.. he came!! that idiot.. planned all along to come but he pretended otherwise! anw was realli pleasantly surprised :) thanx dear!
oh yah..
OC supper.. it was a major success.. i feel lar.. fr e planning to e food to e bondin n e money canvassed in.. hahas.. but poor freddie.. hahas.. tink he almost died! anw response was realli gd.. e ramly burgers were so popular e producin line nv stopped.. n we managed to sell everyting!! e profits were oso higher.. great job every1.. n thanx 4 ur support hall 3.. hahas..
choosin new rooms in e
new hall nxt wk.. i wont b able to stay single rm wif my current pts :( but shd b fine lar.. me n cuicui shd b sharing rm.. though we haven officially tok abt it yet.. coz i duno y.. hahas.. but it's so diff to squeeze 3blks into 5blks.. i mean.. all e wings will b broken up.. can foresee that e bondin wont b as strong.. but hopefully im wrong lar.. seriously hope we dont get e lousy blks or get e foreinger blk or sumting.. hope e HRC will do a gd job in allocating every1..
exams coming up!! arrrrrrr!!! feel lk screaming man!! n still got lotsa unfinished proj n presentations.. howhowhow!! theres IT proj 201
proj+report 213 presentation tml which we haven prep at all! n 202 report!! arr!! how to study!! n still haf 2 tuitions to juggle! :(
ohh.. n 2 every1 hu has been tryin to contact me.. im sorry my sim card got deactivated.. anw.. everyting's fine now.. u can contact me at e same no. :)