hahaas...im burstin wif JOY man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i can finally change my ugly necklace 2ml!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!hhehees...wowws...2dae such an eventful dae!!!!!!!!
but everyting has a happi ending!!!!!!!!
n i mean realli everyting thaat went wrong became right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!im SOOOOO SUPER HAPPI!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i tink tis blog has e most ! ehees...but that's coz im feelin EXTREMELY happi!!!!!!!
ok..e first ting that went wrong 2dae:
i went parkway 2 buy body glitt..act i hav but i wanted gold..hehes..
but 2 my disappointment i couldnt get it...
den wanted 2 draw money but e queue lk SUPER long...so gaf up e idea..
but i donated money...mayb that's y i got rewarded..hehehss..
in e end i decided 2 use my old glitt so e ting lk close liao lars..
but i feel abut bad coz i promised px i'll lend her that..but she being such a nice n understandin gal didnt mind at all..at least that made mi feel alot better
second ting:
e ugly necklace that i bought on sat..wanted 2 bring it back 2 change...but i tot i didnt have e receipt wif mi..but i still went wif sum hope in mi..n of coz they didnt allow mi 2 change saying 'it's our LAW..we muz haf e receipt..' aiyah..i can understan lars..but i still felt real dejected n sad hehes...but thank god..a miracle came true!!!!!!!!!
i told them i hope that when i reach home e receipt would b sitting on my bed...
n it came true!!!!!!!act stupid mi lars..i nv search my bag that dae i went 2 look in another plastic bag i was holdin that dae..hahhas....but still happi ending!!!!! i tink im damn blessed~!!!!!! so im goin back 2ml 2 get it changed!!!!!! YEAH!
n that's not e end..i met my dar near his hse 2 get my prezzie since i'll b damn bz 2ml..n that's e third ting that went wrong:
i saw him smiling when i got of e bus den he handed mi tis box n asked mi 2 open it..
guess wat..there were 2 live hamsters in it!!!!!!i nearly dropped e box man....
i all along v scared of such stuff..n i screamed lars..aiyah..i noe my dar muz b real disappointed n sad..he said he tot of tis 4 mths..den he black facce...he NV black face mi b4..first time 2dae..n i was tinkin it's not my fault..but that's not e pt..den we started callin pple 2 find a hme 4 e poor hamsters...yanqi didnt want them..his frens said no..his sis said she dun mind but in e end we went back 2 e shop hopin 4 a refund..logically speakin e man could haf juz said no n chase us away...but i muz sae that man is a GD man! he's so super nice!!!!!!! he actualli refunded e full sum!! 66 bucks! i feel damn grateful 2 him!!! ani1 hu wans 2 buy ani pets..food 4 ur pets or aniting...go serangoon ave 2 k..there's tis pet shop beside tis shop selin fruits... he's so nice!!!!!!
yahs..2 sum up...everyting is wrapped up nicely!!!!!!HAPPI ENDING!!!!! yeah man!
im feelin super high now!!!!! called mani pple wantin 2 share my joy but none picked up...=( sl juz called back lars..hehee...wat a gd way 2 start my bdae..although still sum hrs away... =)))))))))))